How to join MIST!!!👍
- Have your team’s coach sign the School Permission Letter, and then take it to your school’s principal/assistant principal for his/her approval for MIST and for lettering. More information about Lettering Criteria
- Your MIST team must be open to all who are interested in joining from your school, Muslim or otherwise.
- Your team should not include anyone from outside of your school.
- Advertise MIST throughout your MSA and try to get as many members from your school to join your MIST team.
- Allow each student to go through the Category Overview and individual rules for each competitive event in order to choose which events to compete in (rules can be printed off and made into packets for the students, or posted by the sign up sheet in your coach’s classroom).
- Make sure each student knows that they may sign up for only one competitive event from each of the five Categories. This means each student has the option of signing up for one Art competition, one Writing & Oratory competition, one Knowledge & Qur'an competition, one Bracket competition, and one Group Project competition.
- No more than two (2) students per school may sign up for each of the competitive events with the exception of the group competitions, MIST Bowl, improv, and basketball. You must keep track of this on the Team Registration Form to prevent confusion. In the case of more students wanting to compete in a competition, determine who will sign up for the competition through a mini-competition amongst interested students. This will give your group something exciting to do. Otherwise, students can decide amongst themselves who will register for that particular competition.
- Print out copies of the Signature Page for each student on your team. First, have each student sign their form. Then, collect the forms and have your team’s coach sign each of them. Give the forms back to the students so they can get their parent/guardian signatures. Remind students to give their coach’s contact information to their parents. After these signatures are complete, collect all forms and show them to your coach so that he/she can see the signatures and verify which students he/she will be supervising at MIST. These forms must then be mailed to your regional headquarters prior to the late registration deadline. Students risk disqualification if their signature page is not submitted.
- After each student knows which competitions(s) they will be competing in and have also completed their signature page, their information must be entered on the online registration application (starting from the region's opening registration date). Students may not under any circumstances change their mind once the team registration application has received a coach’s approval and is officially submitted online. If the student decides to go ahead and not participate in the competition they originally registered for, their team will receive a zero for that competition, which will affect the Team Average. Make sure students register for competitions that they will participate in.
- Determine a date when all team members should have signed up for their competitions and paid their registration fees online. Only once all team members have signed up and paid can the Registrar submit the team registration for a coach’s approval.
- Students will not be able to register after the late registration date. Online registration will become inactive. Please refer to your region’s online registration dates.
- A few weeks before the tournament, MIST will send each coach and registrar a Confirmation Letter that will confirm all the student’s registration information and the competitions they have registered for. If a mistake has been made, the competitor, Coach, or Registrar must contact MIST immediately via email.
- No excuses, such as “My coach registered me for this competition and I didn’t know about it”, “I didn’t register for this competition”, or any others will be accepted once the tournament has started. The reason we send out the confirmation letters is so you can confirm that you’ve registered for the competitions in the letter. If we don’t hear from you in regards to your registration after we’ve sent the confirmation letters, we will assume that you and your team have no mistakes to report.
With the MIST registration process online, teams can register faster, easier, and smoother. To learn how to navigate the registration system read over the following tutorial. If you have any further questions or cannot register online, contact your regional Registration Chair.
Before your team begins to register online, please review the registration rules above. It is suggested that the team complete the Pre-Registration forms posted. These forms will help keep the team organized when it comes time to register online.
What’s my Role
The registration process will differ based on an individual’s role on the team. The three roles are coach, Registrar, and competitor. Here’s an overview of each role:
- Coach: This is an individual 21 years of age or more that will serve as the team’s chaperone during the tournament. Unless otherwise indicated by your Regional Registration Chair, each team is allowed one coach free of registration charge.
- Registrar:
- Each team needs one.
- Previously known Registration-In-Charge.
- Can be a competitor on the team, the team coach, or any parent affiliated with the team.
- Needs to make sure that competitors are registered in a timely manner and signed up for the correct competitions.
- Can organize and make any changes to the competitions that team members are signed up for.
- Must be an individual of maturity, responsibility, and organization.
- Competitor: Any team member registered for a competition is considered a competitor. The team Registrar can also be a competitor.
Creating a Username
· Step 1: Make sure your school Registrar emails your Regional Registration Chair to obtain a “School Code." Then, he/she must create a username (see steps 2-3) and send an email invitation to every student and coach on his/her team with the school code.
· Step 2: To register for a MIST tournament each individual on the team and the coach must create a MIST username at In order to create a username you must have a unique valid, working email address. Only one username can be created per email address.
· Step 3: Once you have submitted your request for a username, an email will automatically be sent to you to confirm your request and give you a password.
You will be able to use the same username each year to sign up for tournaments.
How to Navigate Through Your MIST Account
Once you have signed into your MIST account you will notice a task chart on the bottom under the My Tasks heading. Again, this chart will differ depending on your role on the team (competitor, Registrar, or coach). As you complete each task, the red “x” under the completed? column of the chart will become a green “check”. To complete each task you can click on the task name.
There are various tabs at the top of each page. The “Home” tab will return you to the task chart. The “Team” tab will allow you to see all individuals registered for your team. The “Registration” tab will give competitors a summary of the competitions which they are signed up for.
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