💫MIST Schedule 💫
8:00 AM: Registration | Lobby
8:30 AM: Opening Ceremony | Auditorium
9:00 AM: Knowledge and Quran
Knowledge Test 2, 4 | 102
Sisters Quran L1, L2 | Mini Musallah 2
Sisters Quran L3, L4 | Madinah Room
Sisters Quran L1, L2 | Mini Musallah 2
Sisters Quran L3, L4 | Madinah Room
Knowledge Test 1, 3 | 110
Brothers Quran L1, L2 | Mini Musallah 1
Brothers Quran L3, L4 | Makkah Room
Brothers Quran L1, L2 | Mini Musallah 1
Brothers Quran L3, L4 | Makkah Room
Banner Making | MISTadium
After High School: A Beautiful Life Ahead | Musallah
10:15 AM: Brackets
Math Olympics PRETEST | 102
MIST Bowl R1/R2 | 318, 320, 321, 325
Debate R1/R2 | 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
Debate R1/R2 | 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
Ebru: Expressing Beauty | Cafeteria
Seeking Community Through Selflessness | Musallah
12:15 PM: Lunch | MISTadium
1:00 PM: Dhuhr | MISTadium
1:25 PM: Challenge Accepted: Youth of the Cave | Auditorium
2:20 PM: Writing and Oratory
Original Oratory | 109
Spoken Word | Auditorium
Poetry | 111
Spoken Word | Auditorium
Poetry | 111
Extemp Essay | 110
Extemp Speaking | 108
Extemp Speaking Prep | Mini Musallahs
Extemp Speaking | 108
Extemp Speaking Prep | Mini Musallahs
Inner Struggles, Outer Strengths | Musallah
Guys Study Hall | Makkah Room
Girls Study Hall | Madinah Room
MIST Chicago Film Festival | 121
4:45 PM: Arts
Graphic Design | 111
Photography | 325
2D Art | 321
Photography | 325
2D Art | 321
Fashion Design | 102
3D Art | 101
Scrapbook | 318
Culinary |302
3D Art | 101
Scrapbook | 318
Culinary |302
Can you Talk the Talk? | Musallah
Guys Study Hall | Makkah Room
Girls Study Hall | Madinah Room
MIST Chicago Film Festival | 121
5:55 PM: Asr | MISTadium
6:15 PM: Dinner | MISTadium
7:00 PM: Brackets
Mist Bowl R3 | 318, 320, 321, 325
Debate Quarterfinals | 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
Debate Quarterfinals | 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
Math Olympics Ciphering 1 | 102
Count Your Blessings: The Man of Two Gardens | Auditorum
7:55 PM: Maghrib | MISTadium
8:20 PM: Brackets
MIST Bowl Quarterfinals | 318, 320, 321, 3259:45 PM: Isha | Musallah
9:00 AM: Groups
Business Venture | 109
Social Media | 111
Short Film | 121
Social Media | 111
Short Film | 121
Sisters Nasheed | Auditorium
Brothers Nasheed | Cafeteria
Science Fair | 101
Community Service | 102
Brothers Nasheed | Cafeteria
Science Fair | 101
Community Service | 102
10:45 AM: Brackets
Sisters Improv | 121
Brothers Improv | CafeCommunity Service | 102
Brothers Improv | CafeCommunity Service | 102
Mist Bowl Semifinals | 110, Auditorium
Debate Semifinals | 306, 307
Math Olympics Finals |102
Debate Semifinals | 306, 307
Math Olympics Finals |102
Between Mind and Soul | Musallah
12:00 PM Bracket Finals
Debate Finals | 306
MIST Bowl Finals | Auditorium
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